Sandwich, Kent
The world had become dim but life has many excellent turns. In my case I had two cataract operations, a great success and my physical sight is restored to better than my vision fifty years hence, before all these adventures. All of this was offered and received for free on the NHS, the health service of my one country. It is a marvelous result for me. I emerge, a little.
Other characters have come again in this time of memoir. These lost, in my travel and sadness, reappeared their own late life. We talk, by Facebook and email, such things, we might meet, perhaps for lunch. My memory is stimulated, desire remembered. There may be some stories left to tell.
Other characters have come again in this time of memoir. These lost, in my travel and sadness, reappeared their own late life. We talk, by Facebook and email, such things, we might meet, perhaps for lunch. My memory is stimulated, desire remembered. There may be some stories left to tell.
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